
DCOM Difficulty on a Windows XP SP3 Computer. Resource monitor (resmon), and task manager, focusing on HOW-TO, Errors/Problems, and usage scenarios. In order to restore Windows XP to its factory settings, use the system restore feature than can be found by hitting 'F10' when the computer is restarting. Rocketdock docklets.

  • Authors: Alex Hall, Joseph Lee, beqa gozalishvili, Tuukka Ojala, EthinProbst and other NVDA contributors
  • ダウンロード 安定版
  • NVDA compatibility: 2019.3 to 2020.3

This add-on gives information about CPU load, memory usage and otherresource usage information.

  • NVDA+Shift+E: presents used ram, average processor load, and battery infoif available.
  • NVDA+Shift+1: presents the average processor load and if multicore CPU'sare present the load of each core.
  • NVDA+Shift+2/5: presents the used and total space for both physical andvirtual ram.
  • NVDA+Shift+3: presents the used and total space of the static andremovable drives.
  • NVDA+Shift+4: presents battery percentage, charging status, remaining time(if not charging), and a warning if the battery is low or critical.
  • NVDA+Shift+6: presents CPU Architecture 32/64-bit and Windows version andservice pack numbers.
  • NVDA+Shift+7: presents the system's uptime.

If you have NVDA 2013.3 or later installed, you can change these shortcutkeys via input gestures dialog.


Resmon Windows Xp Installer

Vostro 3550 wireless driver win7. このアドオンはタスクマネージャーやWindowsのシステム情報プログラムの代替ではありません。以下をお読みください:

  • CPU負荷は物理コアではなく論理プロセッサーについて示します。これは、CPUの数がCPUコアの数の2倍になるハイパースレッディング対応のCPUで顕著に表れます。
  • If there is heavy disk activity such as copying large files, there mightbe delays when obtaining disk usage information.
  • This add-on requires Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later.

Version 20.09

  • System uptime is now given as days, hours, minutes, seconds.
  • Windows Server Insider Preview build 20201 or later is properly recognizedas a Server Insider build.

Version 20.07

  • Windows 10 Version 20H2 is properly recognized when obtaining Windowsversion information (NVDA+Shift+6).
  • Simplified Windows 10 version message i.e. Windows 10 YYMM instead ofWindows 10verYYMM when pressing NVDA+Shift+6.

Version 20.06

  • Resolved many coding style issues and potential bugs with Flake8.

Version 20.04

  • Updated psutil dependency to 5.7.0.

Version 20.01

  • NVDA 2019.3 or later is required due to extensive use of Python 3.

Version 19.11

  • Improved detection of Windows Insider Preview builds, especially for 20H1and beyond.

Version 19.07

  • Updated psutil dependency to 5.6.3.
  • Internal changes to battery status announcement command.

Version 18.12

  • Internal changes to support future NVDA releases.

Version 18.10

  • Code has been made more compatible with Python 3.
  • Updated psutil dependency to 5.4.7.
  • When obtaining disk capacity and memory usage, NVDA will no longer giveerrors if using a computer or a service with more than a petabyte of RAMor disk size.
  • Values for memory and disk usage are shown with up to two decimal places(e.g. 4.00 GB instead of 4.0 GB).
  • Improved detection of Windows Insider Preview builds.

Version 18.04

Alien skin xenofex 2.12. Version 18.04.x is the last release to support Windows releases earlier than7 SP1.

  • Last release to support Windows Server 2003, Vista and Server 2008.
  • Better detection of Windows 10 releases and distinguishing between publicand Insider Preview builds.

Version 17.12

  • Added support for 64-bit ARM processors on Windows 10.

Version 17.09

Important: Version 17.09.x is the last version to support Windows XP.

  • Last version to run on Windows XP.
  • Windows 10 build 16278 and later is recognized as Version 1709. A minorrevision for this add-on will be released once Version 1709 stable buildis released.

Version 17.07.1

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  • Reintroduce support for Windows XP (broken since version 17.02).

Version 17.05

  • Announcement of system uptime (time passed since last boot; NVDA+Shift+7).

Version 17.02

  • Updated psutil dependency to 5.0.1.
  • When checking disk usage, NVDA will no longer present an error dialog onsome systems where a removable media is not properly recognized (such aswhen a card isn't inserted into a card reader).)

Version 16.08

Starting with version 16.08, add-on releases will be shown asyear.month.revision.

Resmon Windows Xp Iso

  • Various revisions of Windows 10 are now properly recognized (such as 1607for build 14393).
  • Windows 10 build revisions (after installing cumulative updates) areproperly recognized (such as 14393.51).
  • If using Insider Preview builds, this fact is recognized.
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Changes for 4.5

  • Add-on repository has moved to GitHub (can be found athttps://github.com/josephsl/resourcemonitor).
  • Windows Server 2016 is properly recognized.


  • psutil を 2.2.1 に更新。
  • CPU負荷の情報を得た時の性能が大きく向上しました。
  • Windows 10の認識へのサポートを追加しました。
  • Windows 10では、Windowsのビルド数も通知されるようになりました。
  • アドオンマネジャーを利用してアドオンヘルプをご覧いただけます。
Resmon Windows Xp


  • Resource MonitorはWindows 8.1を公式にサポートしました。
  • 翻訳を更新しました。


  • psutil を 1.2.1 に更新。
  • 現在のWindowsのバージョンやCPUアーキテクチャー、サービスパックの通知(NVDA+Shift+6)
  • ショートカットキーの入力ジェスチャー変更に対応(NVDA 2013.3以降).
  • コマンドを2回続けて押すとそれぞれのリソース情報をコピーする機能を追加。


  • 新しい言語: 中国語 (簡体字)、ウクライナ語。
  • 翻訳を更新しました。


  • ブルガリア語の翻訳を追加しました。


  • 以下の言語の翻訳を追加しました:アラビア語、Aragonese、クロアチア語、オランダ語、フィンランド語、フランス語、Galician、ハンガリー語、イタリア語、日本語、韓国語、ネパール語、Polish、ポルトガル語(ブラジル)、ロシア語、スロヴァキア語、スロベニア語、スペイン語、タミル語、トルコ語。

Resmon Windows Xp Command


Resmon Windows Xp App

  • psutil を 0.6.1 に更新。
  • ドライバの情報を取得する時の大幅な遅延を修正しました。
  • コードを整理しました。


  • 翻訳のサポートと翻訳のコメントを追加しました。


  • 最初のバージョン