Once connected, find the TeamViewer toolbar at the top. Head to View Scaling, and then select the bottom option, 'Full screen.' Just below the 'Extras' menu there is a tiny multi-arrow icon you. Features Of TeamViewer Full Crack. One solution for everything. While most competitors offer different packages for remote support, remote administration, training and sales (and also charge for them) TeamViewer Full is the one-stop solution for everything you need: includes all modules in one simple and very affordable package.

Teamviewer Screen Frozen

Shortcuts for direct TeamViewer session on Windows desktop

Teamviewer screen too smallMake Teamviewer Full Screen

To quickly access some partner or remote computer in TeamViewer 10, you can login to your account, check to be always logged it, and add particular machine to the list there. Each time you start TeamViewer, you’ll have list of your computer ready in a window to the right. All you have to do, is to double click any item in that list. Can it be even faster? Can we initiate TeamViever session to particular machine or customer by double clicking icon on Windows desktop? Sure thing, we can!

It is fairly easy to achieve this:

  1. Create a regular shortcut to your TeamViewer anywhere in your desktop.
  2. Right-click it and select Properties.
  3. In Target field, after TeamViewer.exe add: -i customer_id -P password. Replace patterns with your values.
  4. Save modified shortcut and double click it, to check, that everything is OK.
Make Teamviewer Full Screen

Make Teamviewer Full Screen

Things to remember:

1. It takes TeamViewer some time to initiate session like that. For even up to 5-10 seconds after double clicking shortcut you can have feeling, that nothing is happening. Delays between starting session and actually getting access to remote computer are noticeable longer, when using desktop’s shortcuts in compare to using list of customers in TeamViewer yourself.

2. You can use -P pattern (with single dash) or --Password (with double dash), but it always must be written starting with capital letter. While -i must always be written from small letter. Reasons unknown. Probably some unfixed bugs in TeamViewer routine for parsing command line parameters.

3. This isn’t very safe (actually this isn’t safe at all), as you’re not only giving an access to remote machine via simple shortcut on your desktop, but you’re also providing your password, written in plain text, in that shortcut’s details. Since you’re probably using the same password to many different services, you can get yourself into a serious troubles, if someone view that shortcut’s details.

Make Teamviewer Full Screen

How Do I Make Teamviewer Full Screen

Keep you’re eye on third point. We’re not talking jokes here. This is serious. Don’t pass the border, where your laziness comes at a price of security.