
So, for whatever reason you want to level in Diablo 3 and you’re not interested in slowing down to see the game. Maybe you’ve already played the story a few times now, maybe you’re trying to get through a Season fast before it ends, maybe you’re just the efficient type. Whatever the case is, you want to get to level 70 and start grinding on Paragon Levels as fast as you can? Well, there’s fast, and then there’s fast, so we’ll talk about various ways you can get to max level as fast as possible.

One thing I’ll point out is that some of these methods only work if you know someone else who plays Diablo 3 and has a max level character, or if you already have a max level character that you can share items and gold to your lower level character. If you start a Season character and you don’t already have a high level character on this Season, and don’t know any high level Season characters? You won’t be able to use these methods.

You should be cautious about using them anyway, as they can leave you with very little understanding of how to play your class. But they do work and it would be remiss if I pretended they didn’t exist.

Okay, let’s get started.

In Diablo 3, there is a class of gems that will truly set your builds apart from the rest. These are the Legendary Gems, and they typically can be socketed into Rings and Amulets to augment the awesome-ness of your build even further. Diablo 3 is AWESOME! I just recently got the game about 3 days ago on Switch & found out that I didn’t need to finish the campaign to play Adventure Mode & Season 22 and god damn has it been a lot of fun! It's not 2250+1500g to 3 Normal, it's 750.3+1500.3 to 3 Normal or 750+1500 to 1 Normal because you will need 9 chipped gems to make 3 normal therefore you will spend 2250+4500 = 6750 for 3 normal gems. 3 Flawless would be 1250.3+6750.3 = 24k. 3 Perfect = 2000.3+24k.3 = 78k. 1 Radiant = 78k + 3500 = 81500 gold. So it doesn't worth it.

The fastest way to reach max level

Below, we detail the items and gems that you should use for your Support Necromancer in Diablo 3 and why. We also list your paragon points and Kanai's Cube items. Updated for patch 2.6.10 and Season 22.

There are two methods that I find to be the absolutely fastest way to level. The first requires you to at least know one other player with a level 70 character who is willing to help you, and sees you use Adventure Mode. What you do is have them invite you to a game and set the game to the highest Torment level they can easily solo, up to Torment 6 which is the highest level a non-70 player can experience. Then they run the content — a Nephalem Rift would be the absolutely most efficient way to find a host of monsters and turn them into mulch.

Since each successive Torment level increases your experience gained — Torment 6 increases it by 1600% — and because your level 70 friend will be destroying wave after wave of monsters, as long as you stay back and let them you should literally drown in experience. You’ll be level 70 in like four Nephalem Rifts or, if you prefer, one full sweep of all available bounties in each Act. And you’ll likely get some gear out of it, too.

The second method isn’t quite as fast, but it’s still very fast. This requires you to have a level 70 character who has obtained a Gem of Ease through Greater Nephalem Rifts. The Gem of Ease, once it reaches level 25 (so you’ll need to be able to run at least a Greater Rift 30 or so) can be socketed into a weapon to not only increase the amount of experience you get but also to lower the level requirement of that weapon to 1. This means that you can send that weapon to any alt you have that can equip it, and they can get it and start using it as soon as they get to New Tristram and the Stash in Act 1.

Diablo 3 gem combiner generator

However, if you don’t want to have your Gem of Ease socketed into a weapon, you can use it in Kanai’s Cube to simply permanently remove the level requirement from a weapon. This does mean you won’t get the Gem of Ease’s XP bonus on that item, but it also means you’ll then be able to get a new Gem of Ease on your level 70 from a Greater Rift and then you could send another weapon to another alt, or just use the Gem yourself to grind out Paragon Levels faster. Either way, whether you use the Cube or just socket the Gem of Ease in a weapon, that level 70 weapon will be an enormous power jump for a level 1 character and will likely let you utterly destroy any and all monsters you run into for quite some time. You can set the Torment level up to 6 and just wreak havoc in Story mode for the first 40 or so levels before that level 70 ancient legendary weapon won’t just turn anything you hit into paste, and with Torment 6’s 1600% XP and the Gem of Ease’s XP bonus depending on how high you leveled it you’ll potentially be level 40 before you leave New Tristram.

These two methods are the absolutely fastest way to get to level 70. But what if you don’t have a bunch of level 70 friends and haven’t leveled to 70 yourself? How can you speed the process up?

Leveling for the less experienced

Let’s assume you’re just starting out in Diablo 3. You don’t have any of that stuff from the first part of the article. You don’t know anyone who plays, you don’t have any high level alts to feed you gold and better quality items so you can wade through monsters. You can’t even speed level the crafting NPCs like the Blacksmith or get high level gems to socket in your gear. What can you do?

First up, if you have even one friend who is willing to play Diablo 3 with you, do that. Two or more players together can take on harder mobs who are worth more experience. Plus, the game is more fun with friends. My wife and I often play the game together and to be honest she keeps me motivated and working to get leveled up because she always smashes crates before I can and it drives me up a wall. Secondly, if getting levels is your primary concern, then gear for it.

If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll notice that the ridiculously OP 2h that my level 10 Barbarian is sporting has a stat that increases the XP that Monster Kills grant. In this particular case it’s an additional 232 XP per kill. That stat can be found in varying levels on gear for every slot — you can find it on Legendaries, on greens and blues and yellows, on rings and boots and necklaces and weapons and every armor piece. You can even socket a red gem into your helmet and that gem will grant you a percentage based XP bonus — the lowest level red gems socketed into a helmet will give you 10% XP and as you level up, you’ll find or make better and better red gems up until you can make gems that will allow you to have up to a 41% XP bonus. This bonus drops once you hit level 70 — a gem that gives you 10% XP boost at level 69 will only grant 1% at 70. But for leveling up, combining as much gear with bonus Monster Kill XP and a red gem with a socketed helm is a very solid way to get to max level as fast as possible.

If you are pursuing this approach, then Leoric’s Crown is an amazing drop you will get early in the game. If the Crown drops with the legendary effect of boosting any socketed gems by 100%, it will double the XP bonus of whatever gem you have socketed into it. This will mean you might well hold on to that Crown way past the point where a stronger item would utterly overshadow it just for that bonus, as it will double the XP boost on higher level gems as you find or make those. Getting up t0 60% bonus XP when you’re level 30 or so will definitely keep this Crown on your head for a while.

Diablo 3 Gem Combiner

Adventure Mode, Torment Levels and you

If you just want to get as much XP as possible as fast as possible, then after you get Leoric’s Crown from Act I and get a red gem socketed in it, you may want to abandon the Campaign mode for Adventure Mode. As you can see above, my level 16 — yes, she gained six levels in the time it took me to take 2 screenshots of her, that’s how fast that ridiculous weapon lets me level her — can easily go to Adventure Mode and trigger a Nephalem Rift.

Even if you don’t have a higher level character to boost you and can’t use your level 70 to give you gold, gems and better items, you can go to a Nephalem Rift any time you want, and they are the most efficient way to farm monsters, gold, items and XP, especially if you can survive turning the difficulty level up. This works with a group, if you have anyone available to run Rifts with you, you should do it.

Every level you increase the difficulty up to Torment 6 — the highest level you can access before level 70 — will increase your XP gain. But remember, in order to hit certain game difficulties, you need to have progressed a character in the Campaign, so if you’ve never done Diablo 3 before it will ultimately benefit you to complete the main story at least once so you can unlock higher difficulty levels. Don’t just jump to Adventure Mode if you’ve literally never played Diablo 3 before, because you’ll end up slowing yourself down in the long run. Only skip the Campaign once you’ve finished it on one character.

And there you have it — ways you can get to max level in Diablo 3 as fast as possible. I’m sure I’ve forgotten some, but the comments are a great place to drop by and mention all the ways I’ve forgotten so others can gather more tips for the climb up.

Diablo 3 Gem Combiner Generator

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Jewelcrafting in Diablo 3 is all about gems, tons of gems. When you play Diablo 3 you will meet your very own Artisan Jeweler (named Covetous Shen) who you can work with and train to higher levels. Similar to your Blacksmith Artisan. You will level these two Artisans up as you progress through Diablo 3 and they will allow you to craft an expanding assortment of equipment and other bonus items.

Warning: It is currently not possible to make gold combining most gems. You will actually lose gold combining gems (except some high level rubies and other rare ones). If you have 3 Flawless Emeralds and want 1 Perfect Emerald just sell the 3 flawless on the auction house and then buy 1 emerald with the cash you get. You will get paid to do it this way. This is true for the first 8 tiers of gems right now. If you want to make gold, join the Diablo 3 Secrets community forum to find out how people are doing it right now.

The Purpose of Gems

In Diablo 3, just about everyone wants or needs gems to enhance the power of their gear. Gems are inserted into their gear just like in Diablo 2 and in World of Warcraft. Head, chest, wrists, waist, amulets, shields and weapons can be socketed with gems. You can place gems into sockets and even remove them. Removed gems can be traded and sold with other players or even combined with 2 other gems of the same color and quality to make the next tier of quality.

Throughout the game, you will only find up to tier 8 of gems while there are a total of 14 different tiers. This will make the upper tiers extremely rare early in Diablo 3. It is not necessary to level your own Jeweler since you can trade with others on the auction house and in trade chat with friends. There is no ‘bind on equip’ or ‘bind on pickup’ aspect to Diablo 3.

Leveling your Artisan Jeweler

Diablo 3 Gem Combiner Transformers

Leveling your artisan Jeweler works differently than leveling your Blacksmith. Your Artisan Jeweler will begin as an Apprentice and work their way to the 10th level: Exalted. The process will require gold and 3 types of reagents: Pages of Jewelcrafting, Tomes of Jewelcrafting and Tomes of Secrets. pages of Jewelcrafting are found throughout Nightmare difficulty. Tomes of Jewelcrafting are found throughout Hell difficulty and Tomes of Secrets are found throughout Inferno difficulty. Tomes of Secrets are also shared with Blacksmiths and are, as you can see, needed in larger quantity than the lower level reagents. These reagents are also needed to combine gems.

Leveling an Apprentice Jeweler to Exalted will be expensive, here is what it will cost:

  • 20 Pages of Jewelcrafting
  • 20 Tomes of Jewelcrafting
  • 40 Tomes of Secrets
  • 140,000 gold

Here is what each level will cost you:

Apprentice -> Journeyman (5,000 gold)

Journeyman -> Adept (5,000 gold)

Adept -> Master (10,000 gold and 10 Pages of Jewelcrafting)

Master -> Grandmaster (10,000 gold and 10 Pages of Jewelcrafting)

Grandmaster -> Illustrious (10,000 gold and 10 Tomes of Jewelcrafting)

Illustrious -> Magnificent (10,000 gold and 10 Tomes of Jewelcrafting)

Magnificent -> Resplendent (20,000 gold and 10 Tomes of Secrets)

Resplendent -> Glorious (30,000 gold and 10 Tomes of Secrets)

Glorious -> Exalted (40,000 gold and 20 Tomes of Secrets)

Once you reach Exalted with your Jewel your will be able to combine every type of gem into its next tier. For example, you will be able to combine 3 L1 gems into 1 L2 gems and even 3 L13 gems into 1 L14 gem. More about types of gems types and qualities below.

Types of Gems

There are only 4 types of gems in Diablo 3: Topaz, Ruby, Emerald and Amesthyst. Each one comes in 14 different qualities from chipped to radiant star. Each tier of gems (tier 1 to 14) requires 3 of the previous tier to create. Three chipped amethysts can be turned into 1 flawed amethysts if you’re Jewel is high enough level.
Each gem offers an added attribute depending on whether its used in a helmet or another slot of gear. Here’s the breakdown of the 4 known gems:

+ % Life (in helm)
+ Vitality
+ Life Steal (in weapon)

+ % Extra Gold From Monsters (in helm)
+ Dexterity
+ Critical Damage Increased by 15%

Increases experienced rewarded per kill by % (in helm)
+ Strength
+ Damage (in weapon)

+ % Better Chance of Finding Magical Items (in helm)
+ Intelligence
Attackers take damage per hit (in weapon)

Gem Qualities

Each gem comes in 14 different qualities which can be improved by finding 3 of the lower-quality and combining them at your Jeweler top make a single next-quality gem. For instance, if you have 3 Chipped Emeralds they can be combined to 1 Flawed Emerald and 3 Flawed Emeralds can be turned into 1 Normal Emerald.

Diablo 3 Gem Combiner Calculator

The progression of gem qualities works like this:

Diablo 3 Gem Combiner Pokemon

Chipped -> Flawed -> Normal -> Flawless -> Perfect -> Radiant -> Square -> Flawless Square -> Perfect Square -> Radiant Square -> Star ->Flawless Star -> Perfect Star -> Radiant Star

Diablo 3 Gem Combining

As you level your Jewel you will unlock the next gem quality except once you reach level 10 you will unlock Star, Flawless Star, Perfect Star and Radiant Star qualities.

Checkout my gem calculator to determine which gems you can make, how much they will cost to craft and what level you need to be in order to craft them.